Friday, August 23, 2013

My First "7 Quick Takes" Post

After reading other 7QT posts over the past year or so, I decided it was time to give it a try.  I figure that I have so many random thoughts going through my head everyday that writing down seven of them shouldn't be too hard.  (said the clueless blogger...) So, here goes!

I'm more than half-way through my 6-item challenge and I've learned a few things namely....

---- 1----
I'm not nearly as creative in creating new and interesting outfits than I thought I would be at this point in the experiment.  I was hoping that forcing myself to only use 6 items of clothing for 30 days would inspire some brilliant fashion revelations that I could then share with you.  Unfortunately, the only thing I've learned is that I generally don't put a lot of thought into my clothing combinations and I'm just fine with wearing the same thing over and over again.  I do wonder, though, whether people who don't know about my experiment are thinking, "Didn't she wear that shirt yesterday?"
Doing a clothing challenge during August in Texas comes with some built-in limitations.  When it's over 90 degrees outside, there is no creative layering going on with jackets, sweaters, or even lightweight scarves.  People, it's HOT here.  I mostly spend my time thinking about how little I can wear without getting arrested or embarrassing myself or others!
Hot weather means smelly clothes which also means that you're limited on the number of times you can wear an item before you just HAVE to wash it.  Considering that I'm only wearing a combination of 6 items, putting an item in the wash is like sending your child off to kindergarten.  Can I live without it for a few hours today?  (Cringe, fingers crossed, deep breath.)

There have been days when I've been tempted to wear workout clothes all day just to get a break from the challenge.  Since workout clothes and undergarments (Thank Goodness) don't count toward the challenge, would it be cheating for me to wear bike shorts and a T-shirt all day with no intention of exercising?  Judgement call on my part.  I'll get back to you on that one.
I neglected to factor in the fact that my preschool teaching job would be resuming at the end of the month.  I may have to consider my school t-shirt and jogging suit that I wear to teach Movement class as part of my "uniform" and therefore say it doesn't count against me.  Cheating?  Perhaps.  But, I'm still in the spirit of challenge, right?
I'm looking at clothing much differently now.  I guess I have higher standards as a result of this experiment.  I find myself looking at a piece of clothing and wondering "How many ways can I wear that?" instead of "Where can I wear that?"  Where, in the past, if I found a shirt I liked I would try to justify buying it by finding ONE occasion to wear it.  Now, if I can't wear it two-three times a week, it's a no-go.  Of course, that doesn't mean you can't have that one dress that makes you feel beautiful but only gets worn once a year.  We ARE human, after all.  After all, what girl doesn't want a dress that makes her want to hum "I feel pretty, oh so pretty...!"
I can live with a LOT less than I usually do.  Wearing only 6 items of clothing is limiting but not as much as you might think.  In fact, it's kind of nice not too spend much time thinking about what to wear.  Add that to the fact that I only chose items that fit well and make me feel good when I wear them.  It all adds up to me being a 6-item convert.  When this experiment is over, I'll definitely be wearing more than 6 items in a month but not much more.  Maybe 7 or 8 items...? I'll keep you posted!
My first 7QT post --DONE!

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